Five-star deployment technology
Adoption of agile software development methodologies and continuous integration and delivery practices have enabled companies to release software with an increasing frequency. Bug fixes, improvements and new features can be delivered to customers almost instantly with these practices. Incremental changes can be tested and reverted in production frequently which minimizes negative impact on customers if the changes do not work as desired. Fast iteration with a tight feedback loop is crucial in developing robust, great and lean software. Move fast and break things, as Mark Zuckerberg famously said.
We want to elevate this ideology to unforeseen standards by introducing the five-star deployment technology. Companies using agile methodologies and continuous delivery might deploy weekly, daily, or even many times a day. This technology has been conceived to target 1440 automatic deployments per day. No approvals or manual actions required. It allows developers to test their changes almost instantly with 30 second delay on average from uploading a new software version. Updates are perfectly synchronized, so new versions are available to everyone, everywhere at the same time. The technology allows nearly limitless horizontal scaling, allowing you to deploy the software to an ever growing amount of servers.
Five-star deployment technology has several advantages compared to more traditional approaches to continuous integration and delivery. Irregular or longer release intervals can cause changes to accumulate, which makes debugging and finding problematic changes more difficult. Larger set of changes can be also harder to revert, which further increases downtime caused by problematic deployments. Five-star deployments eliminate all unnecessary deployment procedures, including approvals and manual actions, allowing developers to focus on writing great software instead of filing paperwork. Finally, compared to a more traditional push-based approach, this technology pulls latest changes from each server, so it scales as well as content delivery. No more waiting for deployment scripts to update all servers one-by-one.
Five-star principles
- Instant and synchronous deployments with 30 second wait on average
- Fast iteration with up to 1440 deployments per day
- Web-scale deployments that can target nearly limitless amount of servers
- High reliability through use of established and well-tested technologies
- Works with free open source technologies to avoid vendor lock-in
Adopting the five-star deployment technology
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